As many of our followers know, a member of an "affirmative" parent Facebook group (8K+ members) has been sending us posts from the group for many months. Many of the parents have young children,12-18 month old toddlers to elementary school. We can now say with confidence: /1
Nearly all of these parents believe their children are in the wrong body because of their preferences for toys, hairstyles, activities, and clothing more typical of the opposite sex. "How we knew" posts are all about these "signs." /2
There are lots of photographs: Trips to the barber, trucks, rough-and-tumble play (for the tiny trans boys); princess dresses, long hair, & LOTS of pink (for the tiny trans girls) abound. /3
Not long ago, such signs of gender atypicality were seen as possible (though not certain) indicators that the child might grow up to be gay (particularly "effeminate" boys). That knowledge seems entirely lost now to this generation of parents. /4
Some of these parents initially were quite tolerant of their child's gender atypicality; they didn't rush to assume their child was "trans." These types of doubtful parents were often told by doctors (and later) gender therapists that their child was trans. /5
Such parents, confused, join this FB group for support where they are quickly encouraged to believe their child is trans--*because* of those signs (toys, hair, activities, clothes). Peer pressure & the normalization of the idea that even a baby can be trans seals the deal. /6
Another, different type of parent was always intolerant of their child's gender-atypicality. They generally would not go along with the child's hair/toy choices--until one day, the child suddenly announces they are the opposite sex--& the parent relents. /7
Whether the parent initially approved or disapproved of their toddler's gender atypicality, in this FB group, all roads lead to trans. Doubts or hints that a child might be "cis" are generally dismissed. /8
"Follow the child's lead" is the mantra, even when that "lead" may have been influenced by prior behavior of parents or other important adults in the child's life (such as pediatricians). /9
Trans activist dogma claims "gender expression" is separate from "gender identity." Activists insist that no one is accidentally or intentionally encouraging a gender-atypical child to be trans. Don't believe it. /10
Young kids are being set on the trans path (& make no mistake--even parents of toddlers anticipate hormones & surgeries) entirely because of their toy, hair, & clothing preferences. Parents with the best of intentions, egged on by doctors, therapists, & their parent peers. /11
Most of these parents take their child's announcement that they ARE the opposite sex as the final word.

Watch the vids in this thread to see how primitive a young child's concept of sex/gender is (& how that concept changes later) & see if you agree. /12
Here's another oldie but a goodie, from 2006. Can you imagine this 60 Minutes episode being made today? (Features @profjmb and work from his lab at the time) /13
Now check this one out. "External appearances are so important at this stage!"

The same stage when many affirmative gender therapists are counseling parents to "follow the child's lead." What could go wrong? /14
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