┊spill or drink with #9AN9STERS

disclaimer— the answer has no any correlations with the real Rothy, it's based on the writer's experiences.

let's have fun! 🤘🏻
1. when I had been taking hiatus for some periods, then had chance to comeback but because of my brain only provided short terms memories and it's hard for me to remember who was who— by accident, I might think someone was someone else and greeted them cheerfully, BUT— (cont...)
just remembered that I greeted the wrong person and those person recognized that I made mistake and told me that he was not someone who I was supposed to greet because he was not him(?).

is it awkward or more like embarrassing one? 2
2. I'm sorry but I have to mention all of you, pals.

DAY6's Dowon
Lovelyz's Jin
Red Velvet's Yeri
Jeon Somi
perhaps Jung Jaewon
3. because I have been adoring her for long time and she is so talented, I want to make people know her better, it may one of my path to help her to get known better? I hope so. please look foward her more and tell me whenever I start to not portraying her well pretty please!
4. my super moody side is truly disgusting to be honest. I am sorry for everyone who suffers a lot whenever those side comes out from nowhere. also sometimes I am so stubborn. pardon my all bad sides, people!
5. here we go to the list:

ITZY's Ryujin
ITZY's Yeji
ITZY's Lia
LSAC's model Peichen
Park Siyeon (Xiyeon)

congratulations myself for being 3/5 of ITZY members in my previous life here.
6. I'm not hating the character but maybe I don't like the writer and how he was bringing the character on that time, but actually I'm alright now— there's a moment when I felt like traumatic the most, so DAY6's Dowon.
7. jisungahan 🙂
8. I'll be changing in 3 seconds, but to be honest this is the current password when this thread is on the way to be done.

hayosion ✌🏻
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