Gen Flynn case is falling apart spectacularly... if FBI and Special Counsel werent so dishonest, they wouldve booked Mike / Flynn Intel Group on legit FARA charges involving Turkey - but since what they were really doing was pushing the Collusion fairy tale, its all in shambles
Srlsy, look at what the "Russia" cases really are:

- Flynn was lobbying Turkey, now evidence of prosecutorial misconduct, conviction is in danger of being overturned.
- Internet Research Agency / Concord Mgmt was a sham indictment and now DOJ appears ready to abandon it ...
- Manafort is up on tax and bank charges from well before the election
- Kid Pop is a bit of a schmuck but he got caught up in a sticky tack perjury trap by Special Counsel

It was all a work - it is the biggest disinformation campaign of all time. We all lived thru it...
Its strange bc I dont wanna dwell on it but at same time, its such a massive scandal; plus the ppl who went along with it have never really come back with mea culpa.

Have you ever seen someone who was all in on collusion circle back to say "Sorry, I was being a fool" ... ?
Its a game people play that I guess is gonna last the duration of the DJT Administration?

Media reports something fake; ppl pump it up; it gets proven false; the herd memory holes false story and just moves onto the next fake "gotcha" moment.

Its like a never-ending cycle
the current version of the game appears to be "Trump said you should inject household cleaners" - which isnt what happened at all, but obvi that doesnt matter.

Just pair it with the equally fake "Drumf told couple to eat fish cleaner" story and enjoy the game 😀
except - what ends up happening is that all the "Resist" people have been caught up in the game so long, and they've told so many fake stories, they're now indistinguishable from Trump himself - nothing either says can be trusted.

It's been amazing to watch...
If you wanna point out that someone is a liar, becoming a serial liar yourself is a really strange way to go about it... but here we are!

What a time to be alive 😀
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