okay so here’s my take on #LittleFiresEverywhere
i think the title alone plays a tremendous part in the storytelling of our every day lives & overall the story of us as individuals. the trials & battles we go through could be reflected as little fires..
i love the way they tackled privilege. how privilege or the lack there of can affect our lives in the long run. the opportunities that are presented to us, the way we navigate through life & how there’s an imbalance in the distribution of opportunity
race was also a topic that was tackled beautifully, we shouldn’t let race deter us from creating relationships/friendships/looking out for one another. but we do have to acknowledge the imbalance in black vs white when it comes to opportunity & choices
Mia stood firm in her belief that her skin color automatically put her in a box. that no matter what she had to stick up for the fact that she is black & will never be treated the same as a white person
Elena was sheltered her entire life so she couldn’t see the divide in her own privilege vs what it’s like for a black person, and she unintentionally said a lot of subtle racist things. but she never meant any ill-will
Lexie had no regard for the feelings of black people bc she had never been in a black person’s shoes. yeah, she said she didn’t see color but she still didn’t TRY to understand what the black experience is like even w/ a black boyfriend
i think Lexie stealing Pearl’s story is a direct metaphor of a white person stealing the black experience & painting it into a picture that better suits them. without fully understanding the black experience
the friction between Mia & Elena was interesting to watch unfold. you didn’t k ow whether they would be friends, enemies or frienemies. def one of the most interesting dynamics in a show i’ve seen in a while
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