Don’t UK rappers get bored of creating the same music videos over and over and over and over again?
And UK rappers why are you so afraid to feature more dark skin women in your music videos? Always using these anygirls with their wigs just plopped dun anyhow pon their headtop.

but oh it’s okay cause she got a fat ass.
It’s like they don’t do their research.

Why is Beyoncé so great? Because she provides voice AND visuals.

Why is Travis so great? Because he provides the sound AND visuals.

Why is MJ so great? Because he provided voice AND visuals.

Should I carry on?
Music ARTist. If you’re rapping/singing and not putting effort into the visual side of things you’re doing this whole ArTiSt thing half heartedly in my eyes and this is why a lot of mediocrity is floating around at what is considered the top right now. Let’s have this convo NOW.
We get it. You’re rich and have money, you get girls. What else do you have going for yourself apart from that? We don’t know cause apparently that’s the only thing you want your audience to know.
This is why you need to be working with directors and videographers who actually know how to plan music videos cause it’s not easy but you lot make it look like it is (cause you do the same thing every time 😂)
Once I watch a music video From a Uk aRtISt once I promise you I don’t watch it again.

Travis though, I can watch his videos a million times and on the a millionth and one time best believe I’ll still see something I never saw the other million times I watched it before.
Did you know that in movies, you’ll very rarely have scenes or shots which are included if they have no correlation to the storyline or scene?

And every prop used in the background is there for a reason....
Is your videographer telling simple things like what feelings certain camera shots will evoke or symbolise or draw your audiences attention too? Heres something some of you need to watch. It’s an example so do your own research plz.
And I’m going to finish off with this last thing which is

EVERY SONG DOES NOT NEED A MUSIC VIDEO. Music videos should help get messages or a storyline across and help to enhance your audiences listening experience.

Thankyou for coming to my Ted Talk.
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