iACADEMY's lists of blunders and oopsies;

a thread;
Disclaimer: I love iACADEMY the students, environment, teachers, and facilities. NOT iACADEMY the administration.

Let's start.
The school's admins are a narcissistic administration that prefers maintaining their image clean and spotless for public relation, over addressing student concerns.

It all started on this post, on March 19, 2020. Exactly a week after the implementation of community quarantine.
1. Deleting comments. On March 19, they deleted their comments on their Facebook posts because they were allegedly "attacked" by students in the comment section and by angrily reacting to their posts.
2. Being impulsive. They impulsively suspended online classes three hours after posting. A spontaneous act without talking with the school's academic board of directors regarding the decision first-hand.

The message was also written in a bad, unprofessional tone.
3. Deleting their posts. After impulsively suspending online classes, they deleted their posts. It had 2 or 3 other posts together with this image. They deleted them all. An act of cowardice, trying to protect their own skin from public. They can't stand their own ground.
4. Lack of professionalism. Emo mode.

On March 20, they changed their brand identity and old logo into a shady, gloomy, bleak, and dark image. The foreshadowing of a transition to a new iACADEMY.
5. New logo.

Ten days later, on March 30, they changed into a new mediocre logo that doesn't represent the school. The logo was plain and had questionable fonts and color contrary to its reputation as a design school. The new logo doesn't represent the iACADEMY we know and loved
6. Refund, but not exactly.

On April 22, the school posted that they'll provide partial refund. However, it was not "refund", but "credit". Refund will only be provided to graduating students. For continuing students, there is only 8% worth of "credit" instead.
7. Lack of transparency.

ADMU, DLSU, UST, and other institutions were transparent. Providing a 2-5 paged document uploaded online regarding plans on the whole semester. iACADEMY didn't provide transparency to their students despite already at the 3rd extension of ECQ.
8. "Be Inquisitive."

On April 14, iACADEMY posted one of their values as a game-changer. "Be Inquisitive". They deleted the post on April 25, after harassing a student leader for preaching that exact value, and representing the entire student body's concerns.
9. Silencing and Harrassing A Student Leader.

On April 24, a school admin allegedly harrased a student leader by responding to his email inquiries through a phone call. They stated that maybe the students are the problem, as well as, they "will no longer answer your email".
10. Tuition Fee Charges.

iACADEMY continues to charge their students for tuition fee amidst a pandemic. A disheartening issue considering that banks are closed, money is scarce, and work is suspended for some family. Nevertheless, they persists on charging for tuition fee.
These 10 issues remains valid. I apologize for what our brave student leader experienced. I love iACADEMY, but this is not the iACADEMY I loved.

I hope the admins fixes these issues soon; regain their footing, and its students' trust. I will always be a game changer by heart.
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