
Fields of clover are believed to attract fairies. A four-leaf clover is said to provide protection against the fae, and to be able to break fairy spells and glamors.
Wearing a four-leaf clover in your hat supposedly grants you the power to see invisible fairies, as does anointing yourself with an ointment made from four-leaf clover, or carrying a charm made of seven grains of wheat and a four-leaf clover.
“One leaf for fame,
One leaf for wealth,
One for a faithfully lover,
One for glorious health;
All in this four-leafed clover.”
When you’ve finished the chant, twirl the clover between two fingers of your right hand
and make a wish for one of the four things the clover holds
. In the 19th century it became a symbol of rebellion, and anyone wearing it risked death by hanging. It was also the catalyst for the creation of the famous ballad
Sheep. The clover has magical attributes for wiccan practices. Magical attributes: Associated with the Triple Goddess. Use in rituals for beauty, youth, healing curing and clover enables one to see fairies, and as a general good-luck charm.
Think about the things clover attract.... Cattle. Rabbits.
Often our intentions are not to bewitch someone or something. But when we take a deeper look at what we are doing and why and where we get the idea from as well perhaps is something rather than doing something blindly because it sounds good and others are doing it.
It’s exactly like opium flower which British royal family have made it symbolic for memorial of soldiers who have lost their lives since WWI ...
wearing the pin every year in Uk !
How ever it’s directly related the Royal family hands in global Opium business and their ownerships
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