So my mom and I found an old grave at the cemetary today, with our family name on it (it’s not a very common name).
It was a family grave, with four people lying in it, 3 identified by their initials and one named Blenda, all with the dates of their deaths in the late 1800...
...We don’t know WHO they are, and are very interested in history, so we took a picture and came home to do some more research.

We went to a website where they have catalogued (most) of the graves and who lays in them. So for instance the grave might only say...
...”family grave of E. Svensson” but if you then look it up on the website, you can see ALL who lay in the grave, their birth and death dates, maiden names and sometimes, in the case of older graves, their profession.

So we searched our last name...
...but the only graves that came up was our family grave (where my grandfather and his parents lay).

So the unknown grave basically said ”The children of *our last name*”, and then their initials.
But what I immediately thought was that at least one of these four... the grave, must have gotten married and most likely taken their husbands name, making *our last name* their maiden name.

So nothing came up when we searched for our last name, so we tried searching for their death dates - none of them came up...
...and we also searched for their initials - but again nothing came up.

So we started looking at maps of the cemetary to figure out what the plot of land the grave was in, and what number that plot had.

When we figured that out we searched for the plot number and...
...looked for all the deaths in the late 1800’s, but nothing matched the initials on the grave.

We have been looking for a while and have to accept that we probably won’t be able to find it on the online catalogue, it is also not a very good website (very old)...
...and the search functions doesn’t really work fully.

So we have now sent an email to the church that are in charge of the graveyard, with a picture of the grave, asking for information.

It is also worth mentioning that the grave had a little plaque next to it that says...
...”Culture grave”, and looking that up on the Swedish Curch’s website it describes the marked ”culture graves” like so: ”the county government have deemed this grave interesting from an aesthetic, historic or cultural viewpoint”.

Which means that there must be SOME information
...about this grave. At least enough information to deem it a ”culture grave”.

So we are now eagerly awaiting a reply from the church that handles the graveyard.

I just wanted to share this little historic adventure we are on, and I’ll keep you guys updated...
...if you want to know what we find out!

For privacy reasons I don’t want to type out the last name. My last name I use here on twitter: Glaser, is ALSO my last name, but I only use the other last name on my adress, etc. I want to keep my other last name private for this reason
You can follow @EllinorGlaser.
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