Anti-vaxxers are some of the worst people on the planet!!

Right now a lot of autistic people are stuck in quarantine with abusive family members. Anti-Vaxxers encourage people to see their own children as ruined or damaged and this attitude leads to terrible abuse & even murder
Autism is a disability but disability is not a curse: disabled people are worthwhile and valuable members of society. Autistic people are doctors, nurses, therapists, scientists - on the frontline of this pandemic. Autistic people who don’t work are also valuable to society!!!!!!
Autism is not caused by vaccines & even if it was - better to be autistic than DEAD!!! I am autistic. I needed speech therapy as a kid to be able to speak and be understood. I still have a stutter. I script. I stim. This business is one of my “repetitive and restricted interests”
The idea that because autistic folks like me have some areas that are hard for us means we are diseased & a burden that should be eradicated is profoundly evil.

It's also against the best interests of society because autistic people look at things differently and WE NEED THAT!!
I & a lot of other autistic people joke, when we are frustrated with neurotypicals, that the world would be better if more people were autistic. Because we desperately need to approach our world systems in new ways. And who excels at looking at things in a different way? AUTISTS!
There is a negative stereotype of autistic people that we are not creative but it's a bigoted lie. Autistic people can make great artists, writers, dancers, & scientists - it's just that our creativity might express itself in a different way.
Autistic people tend to be great at pattern recognition. A lot of us use that skill to compensate for our problems socializing. The world needs people who are good at pattern recognition to analyze and solve many societal problems. Neurotypical people can't fix this shit alone.
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