Been awhile since I live-tweeted so gonna be tackling this masterpiece 🤗
I've got chills already right from the Clint scene just because I know what Char can do and I know this is gonna be amazing #EndgameRewritten
Nebula & Tony 😭 #EndgameRewritten
Captain Marvel's entrance is just... *chefs kiss* but now we're on to the original add-ins and IM HERE FOR IT #EndgameRewritten
RIP to Bearded Steve Rogers... Though I know you're not gonna be a case for the body snatchers in this version #EndgameRewritten
"Natasha smiles ruefully in understanding. Steve is bringing the 'Captain America' face back, for a public that’s desperate for hope." YASSS WE NEED IT #EndgameRewritten
NO COMPASS!!! Steve has Bucky and Sam's dog tags!!! #EndgameRewritten
Omg the Soul Stone wasn't destroyed!!! And they don't know it!!! #EndgameRewritten
Steve not leading the therapy group because even though he's been through loss he's not qualified to help others with their grief when he's grieving too 👌 The only people he's qualified to help are the ones who come back from the snap #EndgameRewritten
Omg Char fixed the crazy idea that Scott just miraculously got out of the van and instead created a reason for that to happen... like his daughter finding the van and pulling the lever #EndgameRewritten
And Clint's not just off killing as a way to work out his grief. He's been compromised. He's working WITH them. #EndgameRewritten
Aw Steve didn't just abandon Nat and only drop in every couple months. He's with her and they're checking in on each other. This friendship 💙 #EndgameRewritten
"Auntie Nat! Uncle Steve!" OKAY IM CRYIN #EndgameRewritten
Thor's depression isn't being treated as comic relief. He's hiding the pain in cheer and celebration for his people, he's not holed up drinking brewskis and playing COD, the mask is for his people and he's peels it back for Bruce and Rocket #EndgameRewritten
Nat and Clint reunited in Budapest and bantering... Ah, it's what I needed #EndgameRewritten
Ahhh... It's so smart to have the test run be to grab more particles instead of just a random tug on the heart of Clint with his family to steal a glove when we already know the cost #EndgameRewritten
Tony putting his arm around Thor... getting him to call Jane... Thor not being some joke but them all being aware that he's suffering and not knowing exactly how to tackle that #EndgameRewritten
Also, tbh I never really understood how they got the Aether out of Jane... Now we see how #EndgameRewritten
Nebula is dreaming of Gamora 😢 #EndgameRewritten
"Thanos wants to keep me... like a prize." GAMORA😭 #EndgameRewritten
"See you in a minute." Oh no... #EndgameRewritten
"And I know it’s been hard on you, losing everyone and all, but we can only fix what we can fix." Acknowledgement... we love to see it #EndgameRewritten
It's Rhodey and Clint and Nebula and Nat... And Nat and Nebula are going to the Garden?? Let's see how this plays out #EndgameRewritten
Frigga always trusting in her son <3 #EndgameRewritten
Loki looking at Thor and going "Are you alright?" ... sobbing rn #EndgameRewritten
"Listen to me. Everyone fails. Everyone suffers. What matters is that you continued despite that." 😭😭😭😭 #EndgameRewritten
Bless Char for having Peggys daughter already born!!! #EndgameRewritten
"Peggy in her wedding dress..." with her husband Daniel Sousa (I'm gonna add in mentally ;) #EndgameRewritten
"Bye, Peg." He left the compass. He's getting his closure. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULDVE WENT. Peggy lived a life without Steve. He would've never disrupt that just for a dance #EndgameRewritten
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