I have a lumpy bit under my tongue that makes it hard to sing. I'll say what i did before i rang the gp, but i rang, then i talked on phone, then i went in that day, then given a two week referral to a hosp, to whom I sent photos after a phone call. 1/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/health-52417599?__twitter_impression=true
Before i rang the gp, i gargled with salt water, sucked lemons in case it was stuck saliva glands, upped my pain medication a bit, "watchful waiting", searched on the internet with grains of salt, and admitted after 3 week it was still there. 2/
I grew up doing everything i could before going to doc, and avoidance, because of money, and stuff, and not wanting to be ill, etc. I think without pandemic situations, i probably would have rung the gp in a week or two because there would be gigs and singing is affected. 3/
The gp rang back same day. Said he couldn't do a good assessment without seeing. I was seen the same day. Office was set up for distancing and everything was extra precautious but not rushed or reduced. Prescribed anti-bs because swelling and infection. Rapid referral given... 4/
to maxillofacial folks because of red flags after the antibiotics brought the swelling down somewhat and removed the visible infection, but the lumpy thing is still visible and funny looking. m-f rang and asked questions and then asked for photos to see if i could not go in. 5/
They have the photos, and there's a follow up phone call booked for next week. The care has been great, and precautions of a high degree. They are on their usual timeline for such as this. The gp said I could have come in sooner. Whoops. 6/7
If you have something not right, do what you'd do if there wasn't a pandemic happening. Medical people are still doing non pandemic medicine work. Don't delay. They will tell you if they are doing something differently to the usual. You are important. Take care. x 7/7
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