1.) BREAKING NEWS: Have you ever heard of Operation Mockingbird? Nope? Didn’t think so, “Operation Mockingbird” was created by the United States Central Intelligence Agency to enact the subversion of the free press by means of media manipulation.

2.) RELEVANCE: Why is this important? As American citizens, it’s of the utmost importance because it’s a direct violation of our constitutional rights. In fact, it’s an infringement of the First Amendment by means of stifling the truth.

3.) CRITICAL THINKING: What if I told you mostly everything in the Mainstream Media & News Outlets were indoctrinating misinformation? Would you be willing to seek the truth or succumb to enslavement?
4.) MEDIA TAKEOVER: It’s not a secret that the CIA has used Media Manipulation to sway the masses since their establishment on September 18, 1947. In fact, one could say that disinformation was the keystone of their foundation. HINT: Think Roswell Crash!

5.) THE BIG SIX: Now you may be thinking well, there’s a multitude of TELL-A-VISION channels with a variety of News PROGRAMMING outlets, surely the CIA can’t have their slimy fingers in all the Mainstream Media? Ok, fair enough. Let's break it down.

6.) MSM OPTION ONE: For the sake of complexity I will arrange the many options we have by largest to smallest based on their net worth value. Our first contestant here is none other than good ol’ NBC. They’re owned by the multi-billion dollar conglomerate Comcast.
7.) MSM OPTION TWO: Our next contestant is ABC. Easy as one, two, three. Shit, sorry for the Jackson 5 tangency I’m also trying to deprogram myself from the years of misinformation garbage. ABC is owned by the alleged FASCIST conglomerate called Disney.

8.) MSM OPTION THREE: Our third contestant is none other than the famous news outlet we love to hate, CNN. So, who owns CNN you might ask? Great question! Multi-billion dollar conglomerate TimeWarner takes this cake, no surprise there. Am I right?
9.) MSM OPTION FOUR: Our next contestant is the news outlet we all hate to love, FOX. This news outlet is owned by the multi-billion dollar conglomerate called News Corp. They have a nice little array of multimedia companies that fall right under their little umbrella.
10.) MSM OPTION FIVE: Alright folks we’re closing in now. Our next contestant is the news outlet with our favorite EYE OF PROVIDENCE logo… Let’s hear it for CBS! CBS is owned by the multi-billion dollar conglomerate known as National Amusements.
11.) MSM OPTION SIX: Last, but not least our final contestant SPE. Wait, Sony Pictures Entertainment? Yes, that's right folks Sony. Although Sony doesn’t have a news outlet in America they do however own a bit of the Entertainment industry that has influenced us over many years.
12.) RESULTS: Well there you have it, folks. Approximately 90% of the Mainstream Media Industry is controlled by six multi-billion dollar conglomerates. How’s that for a variety of News PROGRAMMING outlets? For shits and giggles, here's the total value of the BIG SIX.
13.) CRITICAL THINKING: Given the information provided above, Is it possible that the CIA still has a firm grip on the Mainstream Media today? Why has POTUS been in a full-fledged war with the Mainstream Media since his inauguration?
14.) MORE CRITICAL THINKING: Has the big six been compromised? Are they forcefully pushing an agenda so that we renounce our constitutional rights willingly? Is POTUS really looking out for our best interest? Are we actually coming to our own conclusions?

15.) CONCLUSION: I implore you to really consider an objective perspective when rationalizing the narrative that the MSM is trying to push. I believe that the Media War we are witnessing is for the protection of our constitutional rights bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers.
16.) FURTHERMORE: If this thread has not yet encouraged you to start taking everything the MSM tells you with a grain of salt. Please allow me to recommend this documentary. WE THE PEOPLE will need to stand United if we are to defeat this invisible enemy.

17.) FINAL THOUGHTS: I would like to end this thread with some final words of wisdom. Let us remember why we love our country, & the sacrifices our fallen patriot's made for us in the name of FREEDOM – “Give me liberty or give me death!” #Godspeed

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