If you've ever wondered why I talk so openly online about my daily struggles with illness, this is why, simply >> People don't!!

So much of our population is struggling with disability on a daily basis, yet we're all too 'polite' to talk about it.
What 'polite' actually means is that disabled/sick people realise that healthy people don't LIKE to hear about it. That when they ask us how we are, they want to hear that we're good - or at least are hanging in there. All those easy 'I'm fine' words that trip off our tongues. 🙄
But while your daily experience may be a minor frustration at home, or work, (or currently, lockdown related) which you can post online without anyone thinking twice - my experience is to lie in a bed & deal with my pain & exhaustion, & to face ableism that frustrates & hurts me!
So, if you spend time on my feed, this is what you'll get : Life with no polite filters - The good. The bad. The ugly reality.

We need more of that in our society, desperately - it builds empathy!

So next time you ask someone how they are - be willing to hear the REAL answer!
Cos here's a secret I've learnt over 24 yrs of illness - the tough reality is where the fucking good stuff lies, people! When you go under the surface with people, it's practically magic! Fuck that social mask! It only ensures we never ever see each other /can't help each other!
Go emotionally deep. Go real.

No more 'I'm fine'. It's worthless to us.

Pro tip for life.
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