It hurts to see so many people saying that loving two people is impossible.

I need to ask you.

Where does the line between friend and lover begin and end? What makes a person a s.o. and what makes them just a friend?
Some people tell me it's the sex.

But that's not true is it? Some friends sleep together. Some friends don't. Enemies, strangers sleep together.
Some say it's the jealousy. But friends get jealous of friends too. Siblings are jealous of others. We all envy others. And it's also not a healthy way to justify your love.

There are couples who don't get jealous because they're secure in who they are together.
Some say it's the butterflies. The swooping feeling. But that never lasts. Long term couples don't feel that everyday. What happens when it fades? You're not out of love are you? People break up because they don't feel that spark anymore but sometimes, you need to set it ablaze.
You can't draw a line and say "this is what romance is supposed to be" or "this is romantic love, but that is not" because everyone does it differently.
This also implies that romantic love is the only thing to matter. It isn't. It's great if you manage to get it but if you're so focused on finding it, you'll neglect the platonic love you had all along.
I've heard people saying it's romantic to want someone so badly you don't want anyone else to have them.


This is only possible in fiction.

They are not a possession! You don't own them!
Just because you can't comprehend loving more than one person, doesn't mean it's impossible. People couldn't comprehend the earth was a sphere. Didn't mean it was flat.

It may not be for you. And that is okay! Just please don't assume that it's impossible.
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