I shall remain bothered until people understand that surgical masks an homemade masks are NOT a substitute for social distancing and avoiding people we KNOW are sick.

This is an example of someone coughing with a good mask on.
The green is the mist that will escape the mask.
Here is the video demonstration with subtitles (no sound)
Here is the full video discussing masks an no masks.
Yes. Any face covering is “better than nothing” to help cover YOUR cough or sneeze. But “better than nothing” doesn’t mean SAFE.
Immuno compromised people can’t rush this.
https://twitter.com/todayshow/status/1252564579063926786?s=21 https://twitter.com/todayshow/status/1252564579063926786
Knowing this, would you stand close to or walk by someone coughing or sneezing wearing a mask?!
I wouldn’t. It could get into my eyes, mouth, or nose.
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