Tara Reade won’t give a date, time or location because she knows it can be refuted by checking Biden’s schedule. A woman calling into #LarryKing and saying she had “problems” is not what Tara said the call was about. The caller didn’t say anything about assault. #LarryKing
And yes this bothers me because Black Women rarely see justice and for a White woman to be able to change her story multiple times, file a bare bones police report without names, have her brother change his story the next day via text, lie about the context of the call, tweet
In support of him multiple times, say nothing when he was VP, wait until Bernie started losing to change her story, claim she can’t remember a location, the interns said she had no interaction with Biden, she can’t locate a complaint, no one remembers anything in the office, and
Still have multiple White folks believe her but Black Women who are missing and Murdered, raped, brutalized, etc get none of the benefit of the doubt y’all are showing her. Nah. She’s lying and I have no time for that or for her when our bodies are piling up in my city. This has
Nothing to do with Dr. Ford & ppl need to quit comparing the two. This is how I know y’all don’t care about victims. This is just white lash from 45 supporters mad that his accusers actually filed suit, Ivana testified under oath, some filed defamation claims when he lied &
Said it didn’t happen, and y’all are mad no one is buying what this lying woman is selling. You don’t GAF about victims, you care about political games. Berners are mad Bernie lost and I don’t see one peep from them about Keith Ellison bc they don’t care about victims either.
The worst part of all this is the way they r weaponizing Tarana Burke’s work against survivors & telling us we have 2 believe her lies. No. We. Don’t. Rose McGowan, Alyssa Milano... none of them started Me Too. A Black Woman did. I’m not about to have her work weaponized against
Me bc I don’t believe a lying white woman whose story has changed multiple times. She wasn’t even honest about what was in that call to Larry King. Her mother said nothing about assault. Her brother “just remembered” the day after the WaPo talked to him. She won’t give a date
Or time or specific location. Nope, not today. I have no time or energy for that. We’re dying over here. Our hospitals are putting Black Bodies in vacant rooms bc there is no more space. 45 just emboldened white terrorists w/ confederate flags & Guns. White Berners r just using
This flimsy as* story 2 make themselves feel better about enabling violent white supremacy. #weseeyou
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