20200425 꿀 FM 06.13 (yoongi)
hes answering shoopshoopd questions!!
“after bangbangcon mint yoongi was trending, how did u feel about that?
ive been thinking that i want to have light hair again
q: we miss yoonji!
a- i think she doesnt want to film again
((side note that yoongi talks really fast and says a lot of words dkdnns and my vlive is really lagging so i think this thread is gonna be hella empty and messy fkdnsjs))
q what do do u fear the most
a hmm i wander.. i fear a lot of things like roller coasters.. hmm yeah i am acc scared of a lot of things
q your best dish that you can make?
a i really like gambas and food that i make
q smth you want to stop doing
a biting my nails! im 28! ive tried putting on oinmnets and stuff but its a habit so its hard to stop
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