Age shaming other women as a woman, only reinforces patriarchy. You’re suggesting that women lose their value beyond a certain age. And that our value is tied only to our youth and physical appearance. Age shaming is counterproductive because ’shamers’ won’t stay young forever...
The same grace we give to men regarding ageing, should also be given to women. In my opinion, so many women become even more beautiful as they get older. It’s in their elegance, their intelligence, their grace, their experience...
If you are age shaming while also shaming someone for being single at a certain age, you are so lost in the sauce. You’re implying a woman’s worth is only connected to youth/physical beauty and by extension...having a man. What does that say about how you view yourself?
Young women, please understand that you are more than your face, or your ass or your tits. You are more than your relationship status. Your worth as a human being doesn’t deplete with age. Your worth isn’t tied to your relationship status or the absence of wrinkles on your face.
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