1/ With very very few exceptions, almost every 2-4 hour meeting that requires one or more people to take a flight should be done over video.

It’s different for full-day workshops or when it’s about getting to know people by spending time together IRL.
2/ But almost all business meetings with people you already know work just as well over video.

It’s not 100% the same. People need to get used to the tools and need to learn some video conferencing basics. But it’s close enough.
3/ Internally, we’ve worked like this forever. 99% of our deal-flow meetings are over video.

But when it comes to e.g. Board meetings, I often didn’t want to be the one suggesting video vs. in-person because I didn’t want people to think that I’m not willing to spend the time.
4/ As a result, I took lots of flights and wasted countless hours and CO2 that I shouldn’t have.

So now that - I hope - most people have seen that most things can be discussed over video almost as well as IRL here’s my coming-out. :-)
5/ I look forward to occasional Board dinners post-Corona. But if someone wants an in-person meeting for a 2-3 discussion, don’t take it personal if I suggest to meet over video instead.
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