I went & rearranged the furniture at a (large) Lounge yesterday to have a look at what 2m distances between tables looks like. It was depressing. Aside from it looking very odd it’s clear that without lots of, well configured, space the cover count is massively reduced...
IMO if you have 150 sq metres of trading space or less it simply won’t be worth reopening under social distances rules. As a sector we’ve been through unbelievable challenges & turmoil in the last few weeks but we should be in no doubt that the greatest threat still lies ahead...
If we are told we can reopen but with social distances measures in place I doubt many of us will reopen. If the government decide that because we have been told we can reopen they can end the furlough scheme it will be catastrophic. We all had a flavour of what -50%+ LFL sales...
feels like. We don’t want to be reopening at these levels - it will push some businesses, that have battled through, under and it will regrettably result in job losses. As a sector the more we entertain social distances measures the more we give government a sense that we are...
prepared to live with them. We’re better being closed for longer if it means we can safely reopen being able to do what we do best, in as near to an uncompromised form as possible.
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