1/18 Due to the the mass amount of information I’ve put together I decided it would be best to drop it in sections, giving everyone time to digest before the next. So, here Is Part 1. One of the most important connections/discoveries I made was the creation of
2/18 Fisheries Privilege of 1666. While it seems innocent to the unassuming eye, it is a very key point in the operation run by the Luciferian War Mongering Illuminati Banking Cult controlling the world today.
3/18 With total control over international water ways, the ability to manipulate Admiralty Laws in your favor and seemingly no responsibility or oversight from any type of authority that was not already on your payroll or a part of your club, you could get away with say, murder..
4/18 If you are on government owned or sponsored “research” or “fishing” boats with permission to be on protected waters, your ability to travel without interruption is virtually unstoppable.
5/18 As I searched through troves of correspondence recently declassified and dumped over the last several years on WikiLeaks, I found some interesting connections that immediately grabbed my attention.
6/18 Telegram correspondence between individuals like Kissinger, the issuing authority of Government Licensing at the time, Barbara Rothschild heiress and also at the time Head of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
7/18 the Department of Commerce, other Rothschild family members/heirs and associates, their banks, George Soros, Rockefeller & numerous government officials discussing various topics such as government loans, licenses to be granted through the government, funding and issuing the
8/18 approval of licenses for purchases of ENTIRE ports in other countries (Santa Clara in Brazil for example) the purchase of shipping vessels, requests for special licensing for “research studies on shrimp and fish” giving them complete immunity and permission to go into or
9/18 through waters no one else can and dominate international crime and trade. Where is the only place left in the world without cameras? The Water. What have we been told? “Watch the Water” Their use of the water ways to conduct their elicit affairs, run the drug trade, make
10/18 people disappear and traffic our men women and children has run free of interruption for centuries. Hence why Epstein’s islands are also of such significance. Vessels on the worlds waterways brought right into the ports they just happen to also own often of which are also
11/18 connected to underground tunnels or channels, accessible by submarine and scattered throughout various countries will be the traceable links that tie them all together.
12/18 I also began to think about deep sea diving and other labeled oceanic explorations and studies, also these oceanic “oil drilling” sites. Who owns big oil, who funds and pushes big oil? While some sites actually are what they claim to be, I would be willing to bet others are
13/18 being used as a cover much like these fisheries and oceanic research projects to create tunnel systems that extend throughout the globe but are all hidden beneath the surface of the ocean.
14/18 Think back to Ghislaine Maxwell and the “oceanic research foundation” she funded and operated. With admiralty law in place, international laws and conflicts come into play and jurisdiction, courts and “trials” work very differently.
15/18 Could this be why it was so important to remove the Queens control prior to making arrests? Was their back up plan Englands Senior Courts Act of 1981 (admiralty jurisdiction of the High Court) which is run and controlled by the Queen and the very elite individuals and their
16/18 families and partners who are responsible for the alleged crimes against humanity and would have the the authority to dismiss all cases and keep all information hidden and confidential?
17/18 Is this why they choose to operate out of the Federal Reserve, the Vatican and Buckingham Palace or other properties owned by the British Crown, all sovereign entities separate from international law and oversight? The threads are woven deep and have been for centuries.
18/18 There are MANY more connections, but this should give you enough to run with for now. I will post Part 2 a bit later.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisheries_Privilege_(1666) The rest of the above mentioned declassified correspondence can be found through quick Wikileaks searches. Wouldn’t put my ass on the line if they weren’t provable facts. 😉
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