all y’all who suddenly became religious during Ramadan... keep doing what u doing. In shaa Allah these habits stick with you beyond this month 🙏🏼
no way I could ever look down on a struggling/learning Muslim. a few years back I was Muslim w/o rlly being Muslim if that makes sense. believed in Allah but didn’t devote my time nor effort. all that changed in Ramadan 2017 and im a far better man and a better Muslim for it aH.
went from pretending that I prayed to never missing a single prayer ever. reciting Quran every single morning is a habit I’ve cemented. i saw positive changes in all aspects of my life since i became religious. got fit & healthy, better relationship w/ family, 4.0 GPA, etc.
everything is better when you live by the code and ethics of Islam. never feel bad for what your starting point is. never think it’s too late for you to change your ways. now is the BEST time for personal growth & im living proof of it. Alhamdulillah for Ramadan & iA we improve!!
For any of my Muslim brothers and sisters (or anyone in general) looking to help donate towards a good cause, I would REALLY appreciate your help 🙏🏼 Please retweet and help us save lives!
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