The main thing I’ve become more knowledgeable about over the years is the fact that I know virtually nothing.
Imagine knowing as microscopically little as Donald Trump does about the world but being as sure as Donald Trump is that you know everything there is to know about the world.
I can't imagine not wanting to know stuff. Every day I want to know stuff. e.g. Today: How long do garden snails live? What is the ancient rusty chain/hook in my garden wall for? What kind of life did my favourite audiobook narrator lead? What is the word for "moss" in Hungarian?
One reason I'm not so fond of my first six books, and much more fond of the latest six: In the first six, I wrote about stuff I'd done, but didn't learn much in the process. In most of the others, the main thing was the learning. I was different by the time I'd finished them.
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