My subconscious is working in overdrive. I just had a dream where I basically screamed myself awake---begging myself not to deal w/ a person I cut off a month ago. In the dream I was shouting at them on the phone for hurting me but I could see their coldhearted reaction.
Because I'm omniscient/omnipresent in my dreams, I was obviously talking to myself. They were there, practically smirking at my hurt w/ someone lying next to them, laughing in amusement. I honestly would rather get chased by werewolves in my nightmares.
Sorry if you were looking for something terrifying and macabre. This is my real life brand of horror. These wolves who lurk around in plain sight, pretending to care, emulating emotional responses like empathy, mirroring your behaviors so you think there's an actual connection,
using you, toying with your mind...this is the real shit they don't warn you about as a child. These people are everywhere boardrooms, classrooms, pulpits-they're elected officials, soccer coaches, CEOs, & members of the PTA-often undetectable to the naked eye, sometimes blatant
They're unavoidable, I may delve deeper into why that is on my rant account one day. Just know, sociopaths, psychopaths, & narcissists are out here in these streets (well, post corona). Be cognizant. Protect yourself. If you're esp empathetic, you shouldn't engage in an intimate
relationship/friendship, just refrain (unless you too want your subconscious waking you up calling you a dumb hoe), you're silly putty to these ppl, stay away! If you're less "sensitive" & more emotionally moderate then proceed if necess, w/ caution, but maintain a safe distance.
Also important to note that these ppl are not always aware of their behaviors, they are automatic, hard to control,& they're not completely at fault (not excusing said behaviors). Research suggests that psychopaths are born (brain struc abnormalities) & sociopaths/narcissists are
created through trauma during early childhood development. It's truly a sad state of affairs. This is why societies should nurture & protect their kids at all costs. Trauma is the curse that keeps cursing!

Try to treat all ppl compassionately, but be observant & use discernment
*correction: epigenetics wins again. Psychopaths are not only born w/ unconventional brain structures & functionality, but may have several genes that could express themselves/manifest as psychopathic behavior dependent upon environmental factors. Trauma was a factor, but
Parental bonding is thought to be an even more impactful factor. Being raised by a fellow psychopath or someone with psychopathic tendencies & therefore having antisocial behaviors reinforced in childhood is another potential factor supported by research.
There may also be a genetic predisposition to sociopathy & narcissism, but they are thought to primarily be molded by their environment. Sociopaths largely through trauma & narcissists through varying factors.

It's obv not easy to determine the etiology of personality disorders.
I doubt anyone cares about this (right now, a lot going on), tweeting anyway bc it's fascinating to me.

Shitty parenting is a big deal and so much of a person's personality is molded very early in life. Can't believe this thread started with a nightmare...

It's me, yes I can.
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