It is interesting, not just on twitter but in life generally I suppose, that if you draw attention to the weakness of one candidate, it suggests that you favour the other. Perhaps it does. For the record, I think it is extraordinary that the DNC have had three years...
... to find and elevate a workable and electable candidate (let alone two or three options) to take on the man they regard as the greatest train wreck ever to hold high office - and have come up with someone who evidences almost exactly the same worrying decline we see in Trump.
This does not amount to support for Trump. I saw a lot of empirical evidence to suggest that the Left had lost their minds over Trump, and wasted huge amounts of time trying to prove collusion, sexual misconduct and impeachment, when they should have been preparing for election.
But I mainly think it is just beyond absurd that the wealthiest and supposedly freest nation on Earth can offer their populace no better than a contest between two men who are so clearly not only past their best but actively rotting on the bough.
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