Like... I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but for the vast majority of Trump diehards, there will never be a "turning point". For them, he will become a martyr. He will be the Second Lost Cause. We need to be prepared for that because it'll hang over us for generations.
For diehards, it's not about Trump being "fit" for office. It's about them being right in their worldview. We can talk all day about alienation and the nonsense of "economic anxiety", but after all is said and done, Trump gave them permission to hate. He will always be their god.
Nixon winked at them. Reagan offered a sympathetic pat on the back. Bush invited them to the table + gave them a taste. But Trump? He declared the world belonged to them, and they will never forget that. Sorry, there is no turning point for diehards. They've taken a blood oath.
Sorry, let me follow-up: I'm not trying to scare anyone with this. We can still have a brighter future, regardless. And I believe we will. Just don't hold your breath that resolution will include them saying "wow, Trump was wrong". That's not coming. Quite the opposite.
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