random thought today was about pre sol sanctum raid felix (not the fe one) meeting alex at prox before the plan began. and that because they're more closer in age felix could talk more to him than to saturos or menardi. anything he couldn't bring up to the proxians he brought to-
-alex. that alex could coax him with agreements and promises (and broke those later). but also, when alex touched him in a way felix's parents didn't have to know, felix didn't mind. it's just physical. even when alex whispered someone else's name when he embraced felix.
sometimes alex touched felix's hair and braided it for him. "you remind me of someone back home," he said. "someone from my past, a girl with pure heart, always willing to help others, someone whom i cherished. i decided to leave yet here i am still thinking about her"
but felix knew not to trust alex too deep. how far does he say is the truth how far is the lie, what does alex hide. even after jenna joined them and they got separated alex went on his separate way, doing his own schemes.
what felix had with alex was not what he'd call something he'd miss. and when he met piers, piers was more genuine than alex could ever be, he knew he didn't miss alex. still, the jealousy and butthurt he heard from alex's voice over being "replaced" when they met again was funny
piers cared for him more than alex could ever do. piers went with him all the way til the end. piers accompanied him to the top of lighthouse to defend him from karst and agatio. he was the water adept boyfriend and everything alex was not.
and alex, even with all the betrayals and his own agenda failing, when everyone he cared for got sick of his scheming ways, he was contemplating his life underneath the aleph, it was short but he actually liked what he had with felix. what he felt for felix was genuine even if-
-felix didn't want to believe it. it was just physical at first but he did feel something for felix. not like he'd ever tell him, especially after this whole ordeal.
and when he met veriti, that long brown hair, the deep brown eyes, it might not be fair to her but he is already-
-the asshole anyway. it didn't make any difference what he did. but for that one night he imagined it was felix again, after years of absence. how he missed playing with that brown hair.
it might not be fair to her but she didn't have to know.
and then just as fast as he appeared
he also left again, disappearing to who knows where. but this time veriti had conceived a child within her.
alex's son dating the son of pirate from the village where alex voiced his butthurt and jealousy about felix getting a new bf is so funny
also felix and piers are sailing across the continent together in piers' ship while taking takeru and nowell as their disciples you can't disprove me because the game continuation never came out so i do what i want
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