Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States, as the post take acute physician, a thread.
Arriving for the ward round at 07:45 with coffee
Pointing out the abnormality on the CT scan you requested overnight
Admitting that he also doesn't know what's causing the fever, rash, diarrhoea, and face pain. And to "maybe get ID or rheum or someone"
Impressed that you did a PR on the confused elderly patient, and found impaction and treated it.
Less impressed as he walks in on said treatment being administered.
Running into the colleague he can't stand in the corridor but maintaining civility because you're there and he wants to set a good example.
Meeting and updating a family member in the relatives room. You trying to look serious whilst taking notes.
When the D-dimer sent for no reason at all comes back slightly high.
When you've started antibiotics solely on the basis of a positive urine dip on an elderly lady. He's not upset, he just wants to teach you why this is a bad idea.
Getting on the phone with neurosurgery to discuss a patient
Getting told "we'll take the patient but there's no bed"
When it's patient 24 from overnight, he's sent the night team home, and it's time for coffee.
Writing down your name on the cup in Costa because he doesn't want a repeat of the coconut milk flat white fiasco from last week.
When he secretly sneaks treats for nurses and doctors into the staff room away from cardiology colleagues.
When he arrives later with his consultant colleague to check what's left of the doughnuts.
When he's carrying the medical reg bleep for a bit so you can go to teaching
When he's trying to be cool with the new F1 doctor.
Coming back to check on you and the team after the round to make sure you don't need anymore help before he goes to clinic.
Going to clinic and the waiting room is full of patients he knows well.
Smiling on the outside when his EPR doesn't work but inside he's furious.
Waiting for IT to come fix that computer so clinic can continue
Finishing off his clinic admin after overrunning.
Questioning his entire life and career choice on the way out.
Finally getting home and it's all cool again, ready for another day tomorrow.
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