Predicted OnlyFans timeline:

- Increased popularity means that girls will sign up for increasingly softcore packages
- This will lead to more acceptance and later non-adult content
- OnlyFans will make a lot more money doing this.
- Will slowly ban "niche" and then adult content
Prediction based on the fact that all adult content-friendly platforms have done the same: Tumblr, Patreon, etc.

Don't really know how OnlyFans works, but if it hosts video, that costs a ton of money. Centralised costs + decentralised profits aren't how Web 2.0 stays afloat.
As you'll find with Twitch, Instagram and the like, the customers aren't paying for nudes. They're happy to give thousands for a bit of cleavage and a girl pretending they play video games.

This means far bigger advertising potential.
This thread, trying to stay away from the socio-political element that a girl can ruin her life by posting nudes, etc.

Despite hysteria to the contrary, most girls won't do porn.

Savvy ones always realise they can leverage themselves better without becoming a soft-porn star.
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