okay y'all might hate me for this but idc. saying that you hate nctzen while being an nctzen doesn't change anything, it only spreads negativity and it causes fights.again. yes people have made mistakes in the past but instead y'all should focus on now and the future.
new fans are joining the fandom EVERYDAY. it's acceptable for them to be misinformed abt the jokes so instead of wasting your time writing long ass threads on how awful nctzens are write a nice thread about why we shouldn't use the old jokes.
and the situation with the not new fans but still assholes. we aren't the only fandom that has fans like this.the reason why those tweets get so huge is cuz y'all ingage in arguments with them! you ss the tweet and then someone retweets that and etc. JUST BLOCK THEM.
report and then block. it's that easy. i think we should focus on growing as a fandom rather than being stuck in a loop of 'i hate us'. also look at the bright side, the amount of people that reported that acc that made that tweet about m*rk was 5 times the amount that liked it.
and as far as i've seen it's always like that. at least in the past few months.assholes exist everywhere. for example if there's 2 mean kids in a class, does that make the entire class mean and awful?no.
you guys are here to have a good time and enjoy the music,so just have fun💞
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