if anyone’s curious (i’m only 12mins in), junno has so far talked about johnny’s as a company!
he talked about how after leaving johnny’s, he’s truly understood how great the company is because of how great and how much potential the staff have, because now he has to do (all) that by himself etc
he also talked about how of course they were idols (and how it differs from company to company but for example akb idols can’t date), and how this is his only life so he doesn’t want to live with regrets especially after turning 30 back then (and rethinking his life path etc)
there was also a rumour going around that only 1 person in each group can get married (at least back then), which junno said he didn’t hear about or it wasn’t told to them so he assumed it was just a rumour
he also said that (as others have already said before) they weren’t told that romantic relationships were not allowed, however you felt it (that it’s not allowed) because “that’s what it is to be an idol”
because atarashii chizu was brought up, junno once again says how smap was the reason why he entered the industry so smap to him is like 神 (divinity etc but note that 神 doesn't directly translate to god, it's just the closest word to eng)
nakata asked if junno ever thought to ask them for a collab (on yt, because you can do that easier on yt than on tv?) and junno said it's impossible (in many ways?) LMAO
nakata calls him jun i'm crying that's so cute orz
they're now talking about his marijuana case and how he thought that was the end (for him? his activities?). if anyone wants to know more about how he felt back then etc, i subbed this little snippet! https://twitter.com/akajnishi/status/1220651625833881601?s=20
i'm not going to even attempt to loosely translate it because there's so much to unpack but this video of nakata's was mentioned, and they're now talking about narcotics and how someone who's addicted can't just stop etc
junno also said that after he was arrested, he went to the hospital and he was diagnosed (?) to not have any symptoms of addiction. he then goes on to say it's just like smoking and alcohol, there are people that're addicted etc
nakata asked if junno feels/felt as though people don't understand (marijuana) and junno said yes but regardless, the law in jp says it's bad and he can't pretend to not know
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