Thinking about the ADHD /aesthetic/ of all kids' commercials in the 2000s. Frenzied coked-out cartoon mascots. "Whoa! New radical exploding hyperblast action! Taste the rainbow! Respect the pouch! Airheads! Go-Gurt! It's Nerf or nothing! Blast off explosion rainbow explode!"
"Wow totally gross slime toy ewww! Slime stretchy fling it flop it rock it bop it! Ewww! Bwa ha ha! Run around in your lawn with the slime! Explosive stretchy slime blop blast off hyper rocket go go go! Whoa! Flavor blast candy liquid lava extreme! Extreme! Extreme! Radical"
Mullen had a good bit on this, "There's been an explosion at the fruit roll up factory!" Whoa, two great tastes collide nuclear reactor hyper blast off! Fruitylicious cuckoo for cocoa chocolate frosted sugar bombs. An explosion in your tongue. Wow insane Six Flags woo hoo whoa
Mfw my entire generation's most formative years are endless flashy stimulation while blitzed out of our minds on raw sugar being injected right into the veins before inevitable crash and burn dopamine depletion era of depression-&-suicide themed meme culture
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