THREAD: Behavioral modernity, Neanderthals, ADHD, ENFP’s and the DRD4-7R mutation.

This thread will be an overview of how Neanderthal interbreeding lead to behavioral modernity, and how early Shamans and spirituality we’re likely a result of ADHD.
The DRD4-7R mutation arose as a result of Homo Sapien/Neanderthal interbreeding. This mutation is associated with risk taking, adventure seeking, substance abuse, and ADHD. As a result of this mutation, outliers in the population began displaying antisocial/artistic behavior.
This behavior is very similar to what we see in ADHD people today, heightened creativity and difficulties following social norms. These individuals would tend to “think outside the box” resulting in outlier high IQ and producing alternative ideas for the group.
A tribe requires rigorous adherence to social norms. With the appearance of these outliers the tribe dealt with the situation by relegating them as a new technology, the spiritual leader. Due to openness, these Shamans would be high in empathy.
The modern Myers Briggs ENFP type is commonly associated with ADHD and consequently DRD-7R mutation. The Shaman and later Indo-European Priests would be characterized by this type. These priests would be set outside of day to day society due to their inability to conform.
Since these Guru/Priest/Shamans we hypersensitive to this nature they understood how consistency was important to day to day life the religious practice was developed and maintained by these individuals as a tool to explain to the tribe the importance of spirituality.
We owe behavioral modernity to this mutation and the inability of these individuals to be satisfied with normal day to day life. The Chief and the warriors who WERE a part of day to day society looked to these individuals for guidance and answers.
Modern society has demonized these types of people and the institution that they once upheld is being destroyed by atheism. Ancient man knew the importance of the religious body in society. As progress erodes this institution, where does that leave those of us with this mutation?
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