How things go viral on social media beautifully illustrates friendship networks in real life and why black people are often the last to know about job opportunities or key industry news. Thread
In a recent social media challenge to list "five perfect films" I saw it spread from a few white media professionals, to white media executives, eventually I saw a few Asian media professionals invited to take part and eventually black media professionals
The while process took a few days. As people tagged five friends after completing the challenge. But it illustrates how news travels through friendship networks. And how connected (or unconnected) BAME people are to key people in the media industry.
If it hadn't just been a fun social media challenge but a job opportunity it is clear that most black people wouldn't even hear of it before their white counterparts had arranged a "coffee & chat" with the senior executive and secured the job.
A great example of why when it comes to job opportunities and industry news, transparency and open advertising are key to greater diversity.
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