This is pointless, but now that it’s been proven that the WHO t-shirts didn’t come with a digital download (the person that mistakingly said so received an email for an old order, screenshots in the quoted tweet), I wanna say something...
I just find it incredibly frustrating that people in the 1D/solo 1D fandom automatically jump to the worst possible conclusions with Harry. This is a constant problem. When we found out the lyrics of Carolina, y’all stalked Townes to death, with zero evidence decided she and +
+ Harry had had something when she was underage (despite the fact that she was 19/20 and Harry was 22, which is a super normal and non problematic age gap), and then made such a big fuss about it on social media that it reached tabloids and even Rolling Stone. To the point where+
+Harry’s reps had to go out and correct it. Liam literally started dating a 17 year old girl when he was 25 and the fandom STILL makes excuses for it and babies his “mental health” (and the fact that they’re still lying about it) When the merch shop at Harry’s first solo concert+
+mistakingly marked up plus sized merch, the fandom went into flames coming for someone who used to be plus sized, I know how awful it feels, but y’all never gave him the benefit of the doubt. IT WASN’T HIM, and meanwhile none of the others had any sort of plus+
+sized clothing at all (and at time both Niall and Harry had the same merch company), but no one complained. Harry’s ticket & merch prices are the same or cheaper than the other guys’, but y’all still push the lie that they’re the most expensive, despite the fact that you can+
+LITERALLY verify they’re not in 3 seconds. He got attacked for postponing his shows instead of cancelling despite the fact that Louis (and most other artists) also postponed.
His character was assassinated by claiming that he was profiting off “COVID-19 merch” when 100% of its+
+proceeds go to WHO. People questioned that he was putting workers in danger when it explicitly says in the website that it won’t ship for 4-6 weeks, it also has the seal of approval of the United Nations. NOBODY outside of fandom came for him. It was literally all YOU+
+but once again people outside the fandom saw the controversy and noted it. Niall promoted his own merch, which doesn’t give proceeds to anyone, yet there was crickets. Niall also encouraged people to donate to Live Nation by buying their merch, but, once again, nobody came for+
+him. Today, when a fan mistakingly believed the t-shirts came with a digital download, instead of verifying with at least ONE more source before flaming him, y’all proceeded to attack him and his best friend. When pointed out that it wasn’t the case, instead of deleting+
+the baseless accusation, it was kept up and the OP cried victimising themselves that they were gonna be s*spended by the evil Harries who were simply asking them to delete the offending tweet. Nobody NOBODY outside of “toxic solo Harries” came to Harry’s defence in what+
+could’ve been a potential PR DISASTER, yet another, almost caused by nothing but misinformation. Y’all claim to love Harry, y’all keep begging for him to go back to 1D, but when the going gets tough, you’re nowhere to be seen. But if any of us DARES to say anything that isn’t+
+worded in the same tone we’d talk to a five year old, we’re accused of being toxic, horrible, haters, etc. Y’all have been FLAMING Harry for going on walks and being stalked by paparazzi, but Niall was out on a run in London and nobody said ANYTHING. Rightfully so bc he was+
+doing nothing wrong, just like there was nothing wrong with promoting the Live Nation merch, but it’s just so incredibly frustrating, that there’s seemingly a different set of rules for Harry. It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even that he has to be perfect, because for all+
+intente and purposes he could be perfect right now and he’d still be dragged for it. He legit did nothing wrong in any of these scenarios. He isn’t perfect, by any means, I’m not claiming he is, I’m just saying that he doesn’t even need to screw up to he dragged by y’all.+
+THAT is toxic. You don’t understand how frustrating it is to log in and wonder what in the fresh hell yall will come up to drag him today. Maybe he blinked wrong? He still gets viral threads dragging him for being ignorant about an international conflict that was severely+
+misreported at the time (and still is, to an extent) in 2013...despite the fact that all the others (except Zayn) made the same fucking mistakes and much more recently. Y’all call Harries toxic for engaging in fandom in the same way literally all other fandoms engage+
+y’all minimise Harry’s success and say it’s because of his manager, or because the media, or [insert random excuse] because you “stan him” but y’all also feel the need to put him down a bit, we wouldn’t want him to soar to high, I guess. “Harry would be nowhere without the+
+band” “he’d still be working in a bakery in Holmes Chapel if it wasn’t for Louis/Liam/the band” as if his talent, charisma, personality, hard work, all of that meant nothing??? Y’all constantly attack any friend of his you don’t like (which is often for no fucking reason or+
+some made up bullshit). Whenever we defend Harry we get shut down with “TPWK” ... y’all will literally see a Harrie quote a hate tweet with a clap back and say some bullshit like “I love Harry but this isn’t it. TPWK” and COMPLETELY ignore the hate they’re quoting!! We have to+
+see how certain fans organise group chats simply to s*spend our update accounts (don’t get me started on the completely unfounded hatred of HSDaily), y’all inundate tweets from locals praising Harry either demanding the same treatment for the others, or outright attacking them+
+and the thing is that none of it REALLY matters. Because I trust Harry’s team to handle any potential issues that might arise from all this. I think he’s gonna he fine, but this fandom is torture for US. 99% of us don’t even care about the others and don’t talk about them+
+unless y’all start dragging Harry. But honestly lately coming online feels like a chore. Like we have to get to work to defend him from baseless accusations & attacks to his talent and persona. Y’all don’t have to actually do anything other than give him the benefit of the+
+doubt instead of immediately jumping to attack him the second you see anything that isn’t 100% perfect and woke. Just give him the benefit of the doubt!!! That’s it!! Just don’t strip him from his achievements to give them to someone else! THAT’S IT. And for the love of god+
+maybe understand that with this environment OF FUCKING COURSE we don’t want him to go back to 1D. It’s not because we hate the band or we think HE hates the band (none of us thinks that!!! At all!!!) it’s because YOU are toxic for him and have been like this FOR YEARS
+and hooo boy I could go on because y’alls offences are endless. We just wanna enjoy our time online and talk about Harry and make stupid threads of Harry as teacup sets in peace. I promise you 99% of us just want to mind our business, it’s just really fucking hard when the+
+person we love and the only reason we have these accounts in the first place is constantly being attacked... and if Harry was a dick then idk I’d get it?? If he deserved it then whatever. But he’s the nicest and least problematic celebrity ever. He literally minds his own+
+business and tries to spread positivity, that’s it. But he gets dragged for doing charity...
And don’t get me started on “he doesn’t come online” and the disgusting rhetoric of how he doesn’t care about his fans bc of it, or even worse, when y’all say that he hates US in+
+particular and that’s why he’s not online, when y’all know for a fact that most of his following list is from when he was still in the band and it’s YOU guys. He doesn’t come online because of YOU. I remember when he was dragged for asking a guy from 5SOS “sign my boobs”+
+and y’all came at his neck for “mocking fans” and poor thing had to clarify he actually meant it like he said it... y’all NEVER do this for the others. And Harry has been singled out for the dragging since the beginning. Spare me the Liam’s mental health discourse bc NOPE*
+no matter how much y’all repeat it was Harries who dragged him, it wasn’t. That was locals. The viral tweets are still up. You can literally check it out. Harry VERY rarely gets attacked by locals (& it’s usually only bc of gatekeeping). It’s always ex 1D stans turned kp*p fans+
+or you. The only other member that was treated this way was Zayn. Y’all always protect the others even when someone LOOKS at them funny. Don’t get me started on the whole “Harry did this and wasn’t dragged but...” when in fact, he WAS dragged. Or the constant minimisation of+
+the struggles he went through in the band and saying he had it “the easiest” even though he has literally said he constantly lived on edge of doing something wrong and you know damn well how his life was twisted & exposed with lies to the world exploiting his sex kids when+
+he was a teenager & all the horrible things that were said of him in the media.

He’s finally in a place where his image is who he really is. He’s successful, he looks radiant, he’s being himself. He’s HAPPY. Let us enjoy it...
Sex life* not “kids” 🤦‍♀️ though he was 16 so technically he WAS a kid 😔
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