Ok, so I'm fully awake+have the time, so let's break down this grift.

I feel a bit of cynicism even doing this bc creating misinformation is SO DAMN EASY & the everyday person isn't gonna doublecheck Candace on being factually accurate--AND SHE ISN'T--& that's the point.

So! https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1253764268933222407
1. Candace deliberately twote the quote wrong and not in its entirety and attributed it to @AOC at first to punch down on her for her progressive efforts and to continue perpetuating negative narratives on socialism.
2. Candace is deliberate in telling who the quote is actually attributed to w/little to no detail, bc doing so thwarts her intellectual dishonesty; plus she knows that, again, her everyday conservative/M*G*/ferverent right-winger folks & tokens target market won't fact-check her.
3. "That's a quote from Adolf Hitler's 1940 speech in Berlin." Well, WHICH ONE, Hitler gave SIX speeches in Berlin in 1940. Laymen* will just go with it bc we've all seen random Hitler speech media clips.

The lack of specifics is deliberate.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_speeches_given_by_Adolf_Hitler
*Layman: a person without professional/specialized knowledge in a particular subject.

Anyway, the lack of specifics is suited for Candace's audience and objectives as a pundit/token. Plus, if you try to Google search the quote in the way she gave it, you just get results...
...that raise her profile even more, so whomever she has helping her with SEO and keywords is good. And again since Hitler did 6 speeches in Berlin, her target demographics aren't gonna search through six goddamn speeches for intellectual rigor. Who has time for that?

4. Here is the actual quote, translated and in full context from the workers of Berlin on December 10, 1940. It didn't take long to find+is a lesson in how conservatives+the Right appropriate Leftist ideology to use it as a shield to hide their true intentions.
Source: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler%27s_Speech_to_the_Workers_of_Berlin_(10_December_1940)

Sidenote: Look at the date of the speech, skim through the speech if you have time, and remember that the Holocaust was happening while this speech took place.
"FACT CHECK: Did Adolf Hitler say that Nazis are "Mortal Enemies of the Present Capitalist Economic System?"

-gives more insight into how much Hitler co-opted socialist ideology to attain power within his political party until he got it...
...got rid of the true believers within the party who'd been working towards actual socialism via Marxism because, y'know, Marx and being a racist antisemite.

No, seriously, folks, he killed them.
6. In utilizing this specific speech, Candace shows off not just her intellectual dishonesty, but antisemitism, classism-while-pretending-to-be-of+for the people when-they're-really-from-middle class-and-educated, it's a feature of American conservative punditry.
Aaaaand conservatism---which includes allyship/favor of the government with/to corporations, industrialists, and the elite class, things Hitler DID---is QUITE the easy pipeline to fascism, which is what Hitler and the Nazi party were under his rule: FASCISM.
Here endeth this lesson. I hope folks get something from this, but again, I'm not so hopeful because it took me a good 30+minutes to search, read and put this thread together, and all over a tweet that took less than 2 minutes for Candace Owens to put out into the world.
I do threads like this because I think it's important the content we consume from media depended upon to be informed has a foundation* of being factually TRUE, NOW more than EVER.

*I use "foundation" bc I'm aware of ideological leaning and such.
And I also hope to inspire folks to put a LIIIIIIIIITTLE more time into making sure the info they consume is factually accurate and to get in the habit of ensuring that very thing. That's all.

I'm gonna heat up a bagel dog. Maybe 2.

Oh yeah, fuck Candace Owens.
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