According to @J_fassler, Reade changed her story multiple times. The only thing his thread mentions about this is that she says she didn’t initially feel sexualized. Victims of sexual assault can have a multitude of reactions to the event. Not all of them are sure of how to
interpret the events of what just happened and some don’t realize until later on how wrong the other person’s action was. Even then, it seemed like she wanted to find a way to be vocal about this but keep her identity a secret. So is it far fetched she wanted to protect herself
before directly making these allegations in public? No. Not at all.
I am not that familiar with protocols for Time’s Up to provide legal assistance for possible clients. But the fact Tara tried to seek help speaks for itself whether or not she had an attorney by her side. No Attorney ≠ No Crime.
The claim made in Point Three is a generalization of people who believe Reade. Without proof, this article claims that the people who are spreading awareness of these allegations are usually ones to fall for conspiracy theories. If that doesn’t sound like an attempt to kill
people’s reputatuon with baseless smears and stereotyping.
Summary of Point Four: People who criticize Joe Biden with legitimate concern of his health and his record automatically delegitimizes Tara Reade
Point Five: #Russiagate conspiracy theory that indirectly insinuates that Tara Reade may be working for the Russians by colluding with Putin in 1993 to derail Joe Biden’s presidential campaign 27 years later
Point six: @J_fassler basically claims that even though Tara went to different people about this, her not going to certain reporters should therefore cast doubt upon her accusations. Part of the issue is that many organizations and faces who claim to be a part of the #MeToo
movement have IGNORED @ReadeAlexandra, so what was even the point of No. 6?

Point 7: Jeremy is defending Biden by saying “well Trump has been accused of rape too” without a legitimate defense of Biden.
In conclusion, @J_fassler is a believer in #Russiagate and is passing off Tara Reade as a person with some sort of ties to Putin, cannot defend Biden for his policies without saying “Trump raped people too,” and criticizes Tara’s claims only based on actions she supposedly didn’t
take to speaking out about her case when she did a lot to say something about it and to seek help. I believe Tara Reade and many of us do, and after today we have even more reasons to listen to her than we already had.
I would like to conclude this thread by pointing out that contrary to Jeremys’ claim, the story is actually shared by half the Democratic Party, all of the #GOP, #LibertarianParty, #GreenParty and independents. It isn’t just #Bernie supporters. #TaraReade #TaraReadeStrong
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