Cleaning up my Twitter, Discord and other places.

Let me say this,
If I unfollow, unfriends or other similar deal it does not mean I hate you. It does not mean I do not like you.

It simply means one of the following:

1) Your content has become mostly NSFW and this is not a huge interest to me. I like more mixed or balanced accounts so my TF isn't non-stop porn

2) We don't actually talk. Like maybe we did for a while but not any more and this is ok. I still like you,

I will still like, re-post, comment on and otherwise interact with you.

3) I do not in any way shape or form hate you. At all.

I feel like I REALLY do not need to make this thread but I understand some individuals are more insecure than others and struggle with this.

Please do not do the following:

DM me asking why I unfollowed you, I do not need to justify my actions. Furthermore I kind of have spilled it out here.

Do not Dm me with a pity party or guilt trip, it will make me want to block you.

Do not Dm me with phrases...

You can follow @_Evil_Vixxen_.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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