Because of what is outlined below, it is Biden who must move to the people, not the other way around.


Move left, or lose heft.

The reasons for #NeverBiden can be enumerated as a comma-counting exercise in a list as long as Rudy Gobert’s wingspan.
1. Joe Biden's refusal to accept M4A despite the burgeoning support for it among the American electorate. 55 percent of registered voters, per a March 27-29 survey of 1,997 respondents. #NeverBiden
2. @JoeBiden's history of working with segregationists for the sake of political expediency
4. Joe Biden was caught LYING about being part of the civil rights movement

“When I was 17 years old, like many of you, I participated in sit-ins to desegregate the restaurants and movie houses of Wilmington, Delaware.” - Joe Biden
6. @JoeBiden's vile racist and misogynistic victimization of Anita Hill as Senate Judiciary Chairperson and his subsequent expedient and contradictory moonwalking on his position.
7. Joe Biden's reputation as being a fixer for credit card companies as “the senator from MBNA"

"Biden, then a veteran senator from Delaware, was a lead supporter of the bankruptcy law changes sought by financial services giants."
8. Being part of an administration that negligently failed to fill countless positions on the judiciary (the consequences of which will be felt for decades as the Trump administration has filled those positions, particularly appellate courts with young conservative justices)
9. Joe Biden's plagiarism of political speeches
10. Biden's fabulist revisioning of his academic record

"I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
11. His support for the Iraq war based on ghost WMD’s
12. Joe Biden's support for NAFTA,

“Just last year — I’m not talking about 20 years ago — Joe said that voting for NAFTA, quote, was not a mistake, end of quote, and a few years before that he called NAFTA a success,” - Bernie Sanders
13. Joe Biden's vacillating position on Social Security reminiscent of a season 3 Frank Underwood from House of Cards.
15. Biden's painful descent into terminal cognitive decline. How can the leader of the free world not be in perfect command of his faculties?
16. Multiple PLAUSIBLE accusations of rape and sexual misconduct, all while managing to avoid scrutiny and accountability.

17. Encouraging people to vote in Wisconsin primary DESPITE the outbreak of #Covid19. Biden later tried to walk this position back AFTER the election.
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