Let me explain the deal structure and why Trump doesn't owe Bank of China money. First, Trump is a minority passive owner of a real estate trust. 30% so not nothing and he is the president but it isn't even his company. He doesn't manage it even before he became president 1/n
Second, the nitty gritty of the financing goes like this (and this is very common in general especially in real estate) assume Citibank agrees to lend the building $1 billion to refinance their loan in 2012. Rather than lend the entire $1 billion themselves, Citibank will 2/n
get on the phone to other banks to take a piece of the $1b they need to raise. Let's assume in this case it was five banks of $400m, $200m, $200m, $100m, and $100m. In this case Bank of China is one of the $200m slots. They lend that company the $1b to refinance their other 3/n
loan. However, the banks aren't done. They don't want to make a 10 year loan on real estate when they make more money from fee and churn of debt securities. So right after they made they $1b loan, Citibank lawyers (I don't know if it was Citibank just an example) are 4/n
Drafting offering documents to sell off different pieces of the entire $1b loan to investors. The $1b loan is not actually 5 different loans but 5 different injections into a special purpose vehicle that is capitalized with the loan capital from those banks. The SPV 5/n
Which will receive the annual payments then sells off pieces of the loan in say $10m or $25m increments to investors. The banks then receive all of their original loan back as the entire $1b is sold off piece by piece. Typically, banks will have capital out on these projects 6/n
For no more than 6 months front to back before it is all resold to other investors. Bank of China appears to have just been part of the original syndication group and not even a part of the sales team or the main sales driver. It is entirely possible Bank of China repurchased 7/n
the bonds associated with this project at a later date. It is possible they bought all of them at a later date. Based upon evidence shown where BoC acted within the syndicate to make the original loan prior to securitization, this means unless they repurchased the bonds 8/n
At a later date, there is no evidence that Trump directly or indirectly owes Bank of China any money. This is just junk journalism that any basic explanation of financial markets would catch.
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