Because I don’t want THAT Archie related tweet to blow up how about a beautiful thread of Comics!Jughead and his ace/aro scenes????

Because my burger loving baby deserves better
As an asexual person, I heard about characters that are like me and I was so excited!!! We are extremely underrepresented in media because our entire sexuality is the opposite of what “sells” in movies and shows.

As such it’s rare to find characters portrayed as wonderfully.
For one thing: Jughead is TIRED of heteronormativity. He’s drained. He doesn’t enjoy hearing about Archie’s escapades with *both* Betty and Veronica (Sorry Bughead doesn’t exist in comics!canon!).

For Jug, his world is burgers and video games. And that’s VALID
The ONLY reason he even agrees to date Sabrina is because she was dressed in a burger costume. And even then he panicked thinking about his crush:
And as he stated in the panel above: he had a friendship crush on her. He wanted to be her friend more than anything.

This is not to say ace folks can’t also experience some romantic feelings (often called squishes) but what defines those romantic feelings is the difference
I can’t share the entire panel unfortunately because it’s big but here’s an excerpt of Archie doing these ONE thing you should never do around an asexual person:
If you call an aromantic and or asexual person abnormal for not being sexually or romantically attracted to others, it’s on sight.

And I will come at you with my Jughead beanie and ace flag tied around my neck like a cape
And here is Jughead shifting down Archie’s heteronormativity bc we can all use that from time to time:
Jughead is the one character I’ve gotten to know well enough to say I can very much relate to.

In high school I never understood the big deal about dating or going out with someone. I wasn’t a big fan of intimacy either (for a variety of reasons)
So to find a character who also isn’t a big fan of intimacy or dating to be seen as a normal person, I fell in love with that.

He’s here for his burgers and his friends. He’s in a band (the drummer) and that’s what’s important in his world.

Heteronormativity??? Nope.
Anyway this thread is getting LONG and there’s so much more I could talk about but I will end with:
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