@GovInslee It's sad that you decided to open up residential construction after meeting with construction industry leaders. How many scientists did you speak with? How many cases of Covid did you decide was okay amongst construction workers? How are we supposed to get PPE as 1/
Required. Aren't we supposed to save P95 masks for Healthcare workers? Have you ever been on a residential construction site? The industry "leaders" were lying to you. It's impossible to maintain social distancing while building a house. I was proud of the job you were doing 2/
Now, I'm sad that you've decided our lives aren't important. We don't have easily accessible tests. We can't get antibody tests. They're is no contact tracing. 6' separation is impossible to maintain on a residential job site. PPE is not readily available. Hospitals are not 3/
Able to quickly see and treat someone with injuries that may be sustained on a job site. It's clear this decision was not based on concern for workers health. It wasn't based on science. It was based on industry pressure. I won't risk my life for a rich person's greed.
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