Hot take but I’m getting really annoyed with everybody posting untagged spoilers for things that happened in the original FF7 but not the remake.
Like I get that the original game is 23 years old, but with the remake a lot of new people like me are playing it for the first time and haven’t played the original
It really irks me that so many people assume that everybody who plays the remake, since everyone is talking about the remake specifically, assumes that anybody who has played the remake has played the original and thus doesn’t tag anything for spoilery content
And not only are there no tags for spoilers on things not included in the remake, but even spoilers from the remake. The game’s barely two weeks old. I got my copy four days after it came out and had to binge play to stay ahead of spoilers
Like I am probably also guilty of rting some spoilery content, but I try to not rt anything specific or that wasn’t in the trailers or already viral. But still. Please tag your spoilers y’all
**SPOILER** Like I was spoiled on the fact that Aerith dies in it before the remake was even announced, and I’m kinda mad that I know it, but I just read someone posting it untagged and I would have been PISSED if I hadn’t already known **END SPOILER**
ALSO note nearly all of this thread is NOT directed at any single person, it’s just at people in general. I get that you want to share excitement and if it happened with a Zelda game I might be guilty of this too. But please. Be thoughtful of those who have only played the remake
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