This is something a lot of aspiring writers don't understand. If you get a "home run" or the "big score," you will find problems you never knew existed, from taxes, to family issues, to privacy issues. We call such successes "Trading up your problems." (threat) #writers #writing
Not that these big events aren't good things, necessarily. Just that they always come with their own issues, and it's smart to be aware that this success may represent a bump, and not a permanent change of success or status. Ups and downs are the reality of things... #success
Also, it's impossible to know how people around you will react. From relatives showing up with their hand out to the jealousy of writer friends, you may be blindsided. Not to be a negative Nancy, just a caution. Be mentally prepared that there will be problems and you'll be...
Able to handle them better. And never spend that money till the check is cashed AND cleared. And don't spend assuming similar checks will follow. Hopefully so, but be smart with your finances.
We've rambled enough, but we highly recommend the past and current blogs on writing and business by Kris Rusch at , and her many related books (which we, disclaimer, publish - ). Have a good career, whatever you do! #writing #writers
You know, the first post in this thread should have said "(thread)" at the end and not "(threat)." But now that you mention it... (Wonder if Twitter will get an edit function before the heat-death of the universe?)
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