As we approach the 3 week mark of this battle I think its time to discuss the possibility of @billboard never addressing the situation, at least not publicly. This is a thought that hurts my heart, but I can't lie, has been on my mind.

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
As much as I hate vulnerability its time to address the elephant in the room. The further we get from what started this, the less likely it is that @billboard is going to address it. and as much as it pains me to say this, our fight has not gotten stronger in the last 20 days
Now, this is in no way a post announcing that we should give up or that I'm giving up. We've come too far, worked too hard, and fought too many battles for that.

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
However, I think it is important to think about longevity here. The burn out that I see in our future concerns me as someone who never wants to let billboard forget that we know how biased, corrupt, and shady they are.

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
The impact this has had on how we all view billboard and the reputation they've built I don't think will ever change. In 20 short days we've exposed some of the most corrupt things about this industry. We all know that billboard is not done screwing over deserving artists.
and while this started off as a fight for our boys, it has become so much bigger. The bonds made, the voices found, and the respect and maturity(most of the time lol) I've seen in the last 3 weeks is nothing short incredible

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
I know that this movement will continue to ripple through the music industry until billboard is held accountable. Whether it's for 5sos, BTS, or the next artist screwed over, the foundation we've laid here is untouchable.

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
I know the next time this happens our fam, even those that have given up on fighting THIS battle (still love you) will show up for the next. Our ~calm~ riot of 2020 has developed into a full blown war. Losing this battle of retribution for 5sos does not mean we lose the war.
I know the passion to hold @billboard responsible still lives inside all of us. and every person, musician, and media outlet that reported on this will always hold it in the back of their minds.

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
Brick by brick we are tearing down their walls, exposing them for who they really are. I know this will be remembered, and I know the next time it happens, we'll chip away even harder.

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
I'm not saying we're waving any white flags yet, but when this chapter does close I know we will be stronger than ever in our next battle. For all artists who are afraid to stand up to @billboard we will continue to fight for the freedom of expression and art without consequences
. @billboard this will not be swept under the rug. Your credibility is ruined and at this point theres no damage control you could do to gain it back, until major changes are made.

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
What we've done so far is incredibly important and I'm proud to be a part of it. If we lose this battle, I know we won't lose the war. Our voices have been heard even if @billboard choses to ignore them.

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
and god help @billboard if they fuck with 5SOS5

#FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
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