My COVID-19 heros go by a different name to me...Mom & Dad. They put aside their own health vulnerabilities every day to help you and your family.

I know this weekend is going to be nice, but please stay home for them. They’re so fun, but you don’t want to meet them this way.
My mom helps your kids as a pediatric nurse at a COVID designated hospital. You might not know that you or your child is capable of spreading the virus to her when you go in for a day surgery. You might not know it when you go to pediatric emergency.
My dad helps your sick and elderly family members as a patient transfer driver. He spends his days taking patients from care homes, private homes, and hospitals to the healthcare that they need. He does this despite his own health circumstances.
They’re two of my very favourite people. They’re funny and caring and loving and two of my best friends.

So whatever big adventures you have planned with your family, please take just a minute and think about them. And all the people like them who are trying to keep you safe.
I know it sucks to be stuck at home, to not be able to do your favourite springtime activities, and to miss spending time with friends and family.

I’m missing all of those things too. And I’m worried about them. So please. For me. Stay home for a little while longer.
I’m also gonna be *super* pissed if I have to update this thread with bad news because you needed to go for a frolic in the relative wilderness and ended up infecting a bunch of people that my parents ended up caring for.

Consider your dumb asses warned.
You can follow @danicamclellan.
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