I think I'm alone for feeling this, but I'm scared of quarantine ending. I don't know how to explain it. It's like...quarantine is everyone working together through something bad. When it ends, I'm afraid it'll be every man for himself.
I'm generally pretty personally responsible, but everytime a politician says "personal responsibility" with regards to the virus, I feel fear. My place in the new world feels even more precarious than the place I had in the old world.
All I want is the ability to stay safely quarantined with my kissmate for months until the vaccine is developed, and for potatoes and dairy and everything else to be delivered by the national guard so the farmers don't have to pour it out and we don't have to starve.
Also, and I feel bad and guilty for admitting it, but I've been doing better under quarantine than I was before it. I *like* being with Kissmate 24/7, rather than only seeing him when he's exhausted from work. I *like* working from home. I feel so guilty, and broken, and bad.
I see everyone complaining about quarantine and I think I must be a freak for fearing its end.
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