I visited Southern Lanes bowling alley, which reopened today after 5 weeks of closure. They took my temperature before I walked in.
The owners said they know their 25 employees need to support their families. They are also taking extreme measures to space people out, using every other lane, and disinfecting every bowling ball and shoes between users.
Deborah Holland, one of the owners, said she’s a cancer survivor who’s missing half a lung. She *really* needs to stay healthy and has a personal stake in making sure the place is spotless.
We also visited a 💈 barbershop that reopened for the first time since 3/30. Jenkins barbershops have been around for 110 years!
But Barber Eric Greeson said he’s surprised barbershops were among GA businesses allowed to reopen first. He said he would have liked the governor to have the backing of health experts. As it is, they can’t afford to stay closed, since competitors will surely reopen too.
Donna Whitfield is a sales rep for a barber and beauty shop supplier. She hasn’t brought this truck around to shops in a month. Today’s business has been all about the Barbicide, gloves, and disinfectant.
Whitfield is also worried about bringing the virus home to her husband who has cancer. But the familiar theme is true for her too: she can’t afford to stay home.
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