Many of the things women find attractive, men don't like or care about.

Women like arrogant men, men don't like arrogant women (exceptions apply)

Women are attracted to rich men, men don't care if she's rich.

Women are drawn to fame/popularity, men don't care if she's popular.
Speaking of exceptions:

Men with narcissistic mothers are either weaklings who end up as findom slaves, or full blown NPD sociopaths who hate women - the former worship abusive women, the latter likes to break them - both are drawn to them.

That got dark quick didn't it? Bahaha
If you think about it though, NPD sociopath men (mummy's issues) are just the opposite sex version of standard feministy women with daddy's issues

They are highly emotional and in infinite rebellion, looking for battle with the strongest person of the opposite sex they can find
It's almost like they are reliving the fights they used to have with their mother as a child again and again and again, but this time with whatever adult woman they're romantically involved with

Normal, nice, humble, submissive women are actually boring to them

It's a pathology
Any man who actually appreciates "trad femininity" in a woman likely had a solid relationship with his mother.

It's when he's drawn to negative femininity (women of various pathologies) you can be sure something isn't quite right with him. Healthy men find these women repulsive.
Daddy issues manifests as feminism, and a desire to project your hatred onto men in general, but particularly men you view as dominant with arrogant tirades of emotional abuse.

Mummy issues manifests as sociopathy, or being an absolute fucking simp eating muff on team waman.
I actually believe men into cuckoldry and findom are the abuse victims of mothers with NPD who have come to fetishise their abuse in a perverse form of stockholm syndrome.

Naturally, unscrupulous people (including their partners) end up exploiting this for profit and perversity.
The only thing I don't know in this whole jigsaw is why some men become mega simps, and others become sociopaths given the same environment/type of mother.

It's tempting to say this is a function of testosterone level, but I honestly don't know.
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