ARCHIVE: Older threads I've written that are at least tangentially related to #MMT and economics. Please consider this particular thread more an archive than solid information.
Canceling debt (student, medical, etc.).

"How are you going to pay for it?"

[Being economically accurate without having to #LearnMMT - thread]]

How does telling people that they *don't* have to make future payments really "cost" anything?
A response to "Have any other countries done, or used #MMT before to pay for social programs?"
The GND is not a secret plan to sneak through all things progressive. It is all critical if we want to survive as a species, with even a modicum of the privilege we currency have.
How do you define "value"?
This is neoliberalism. (This thread also contains evidence that unemployment is official American policy.)
My current (and needs to be updated) view of the debate between the #MMT designed Federal Job Guarantee (FJG) and a Universal Basic Income (UBI).
How MMT demonstrates that we can indeed afford a bold Green New Deal. It doesn’t just “cost a lot,” it creates massive amounts of value along the way.
An executive who works for a company that profits from the for-profit health insurance industry tries to gaslight a father whose son committed suicide 2wks after the son’s insurance co postponed his depression meds by a month for missing a **$20** payment.
#MedicareForAll will cost citizens much, much less compared to our current corrupt, for-profit healthcare system – financially and otherwise.
“Cannot run out of money” versus “should and can safely spend as much money as they want, without consequence.”
We can financially afford #MedicareForAll because it prevents us from having to deal with – and pay for – the consequences of *not* having Medicare For All.
#MMT says that monetarily sovereign governments *do* create money to spend and *therefore* should use that power for public purpose – specifically, until full employment is reached. The ordering of this logic is critical.
You and I are limited by money. The federal government (of economies such as the United States, U.K., Canada, Australia, and Japan) is limited by resources.
When it comes to federal programs, only resources matter, not money. To even say "our fed gov't has plenty of money to give people healthcare," isn't just nonsensical, it is specifically designed to sabotage our efforts to actually get it. Ever.
To #LearnMMT in general, here is a good place to start.
You can follow @MMTResources.
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